Friday, June 30, 2006

Of Chachu's Pens and Chachu's Blogs.

Hello All,

It is about four years since I had created the yahoogroup chachus_pen (visit The idea was to write articles of general interest, art or anything for which I felt a need to write about. About 36 odd columns were written in a span of four years or so.

However entry into grihastashram (family life) and several known/unknown reasons has taken its toll and creative writing is certainly a minor casuality. Friends and relatives ask for more, but the passion is missing.

Then I read one of my first blogs of an ex-colleague. And I thought blogging was a better alternative - at least for the time being. So here I am born - Chachu's Blog. That does not necessarily mean death of Chachu's Pen. But the latter may definitely take a back seat. But then, it already is at the back.
