Friday, March 28, 2008

Of Bore wells, safety and tamasha..


Yesterday, throughout the day, various news channels kept highlighting the plight of a two and a half year girl Vandana who was stuck in a borewell about 45 feet deep. Apparently, she was playing near an unprotected borewell when she fell and got stuck. As soon as the news leaked out, the reporters thronged the accident site and kept broadcasting the news whole day. It took the army men about 27 hours to get her out.

Now, you see, I and you don’t know who Vandana is. And honestly speaking, we also do not want to know who she is. So why the news channels should keep narrating the life history of a girl stuck in distress for a day or two. Just because she is on verge of life and death, she becomes an ideal candidate to become a "breaking news".

But what about the ordinary people who move around? Move around in cars and motor bikes? Are there any less dangers lurking around? Again yesterday itself, I saw at least three trucks without any tail lights. In the dimly lit city roads, they are moving carriers of death. But there is no reporter breaking its head over it.

There are even more interesting people who drive half-blind truck (at times with the right headlight broken giving oncoming traffic an impression of a two wheeler instead of a four-wheeler). And in the extreme cases, fully blind trucks that too on wrong side wreck havoc on roads.

Even off the road, there are numerous cases where poorly fitted high-tension wires, open manholes, weak fire-safety measures, and many other cases cause damage to life and property.

The dangers are everywhere. Just that the feeble and weak administration either don’t see the problem or don’t want to fix the problem. Breaking the news over a girl stuck in a hole does not solve the problem - Nor writing articles on virtual Internet. Then what?



Two-year-old rescued from borewell after 27 hrs

Labourer mowed down at Delhi airport site